Source code for mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.ALBA.XalocCalibration
Class for reading images from Falcon camera OAV
from mxcubecore import BaseHardwareObjects
from mxcubecore import HardwareRepository as HWR
[docs]class XalocCalibration(BaseHardwareObjects.HardwareObject):
def __init__(self, name):
[docs] def init(self):
self.calibx = self.get_channel_object("calibx")
self.caliby = self.get_channel_object("caliby")
if self.calibx is not None and self.caliby is not None:
print("Connected to calibration channels")
def getCalibration(self):
return [self.calibx.get_value(), self.caliby.get_value()]
def test():
hwr = HWR.get_hardware_repository()
calib = hwr.get_hardware_object("/calibration")
print("Calibration is: ", calib.getCalibration())
if __name__ == "__main__":