mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.DESY.P11BeamStop# Classes P11BeamStop(name) class mxcubecore.HardwareObjects.DESY.P11BeamStop.P11BeamStop(name: str)[source]# Bases: NState Parameters: name (str) – get_position_list()[source]# Return a list of available positions. get_value()[source]# Get the current BeamStop position based on the motor positions. init()[source]# Initialize the BeamStop motors and load positions. is_moving()[source]# Descript. : True if the motor is currently moving is_within_deltas(target_value, current_value, motor_name)[source]# Check if the current motor position is within the delta tolerance for that specific motor. load_deltas()[source]# Load individual motor deltas from the XML configuration explicitly. load_positions()[source]# Load predefined positions from the XML configuration. set_value(value)[source]# Move the BeamStop motors to the given position. wait_for_position()[source]# Wait for motors to reach their target positions.